Format for letters (PO Box):

Company name

c/o DNB Bank ASA

Postboks 7100

5020 Bergen

Format for larger packages (Street address):

Company name

c/o DNB Bank ASA

Solheimsgaten 7 C

5058 Bergen

All mail addressed to companies with the above format will be sent to the black mailbox that is situated to the left of the main entrance on the first floor. Larger packages will be stored at DNB’s reception. Please check the mailbox at least once a week to collect your mail. Also, any packages that team SL signs for will be placed in our office.


  1. If you order anything from overseas that is to be delivered by DHL/other courier services it is very important that you only write your company name, and that you do not mention Startuplab anywhere in the address. If not, Startuplab ends up with the bill for the toll (tempting maybe, but please don't 😇)

  2. What you should do to ensure that you will receive letters.